Sponsored Students
Information for Sponsored Students
What is a 'sponsored student'? A sponsored student is a student entirely or substantially supported financially by the government of their home country. These students have special requirements imposed by the conditions of their sponsorship agreement.
This page is intended as a general guide for sponsored students who have their immigration document issued by UCCS in understanding the offices that typically work with and assist sponsored students with their requirements.
- Understand the terms of your sponsorship agreement. It is your responsibility to know the terms of your sponsorship. For example, your sponsorship may require you to re-pay the tuition for any tuition costs for a class that you drop. Knowing what the agreement requires of you is your responsibility.
- Give UCCS offices plenty of time to manage requests that you make of them. It is difficult for an office to manage last-minute requests. Please manage your requirements so that you request needed items as early as possible to best allow UCCS offices to assist you in a timely manner.
- Understand the requirements of your student visa status. These are covered at orientation, and can be reviewed on the International Affairs webpages. Remember that your international student advisor can answer questions you may have, and needs to know about any change to your situation - including academic or financial issues.
- Understand how the UCCS system, offices and staff operate. This includes understanding university policies and the academic calendar. You can find almost all of any information you may need on the UCCS webpages. In regard to working with UCCS offices, some offices work largely by scheduled appointments, some by drop-in advising, some by a combination. Try your best to work within the structure that an office has. And, if you make an appointment, please keep it and be on-time, so that UCCS staff members can assist you effectively and positively.
- Use your UCCS email and check it often. UCCS offices are required to communicate with students by their official UCCS email. Your ISA or academic advisor or other UCCS office may send you important email. It's your responsibility to check your email, and act accordingly to any UCCS communication that you receive.
Your academic advisor's role is to assist you in achieving your academic goals and manage your academic requirements, as effectively as possible. Toward that goal, when communicating (by email or phone) always be sure to clearly provide your full name and student ID number.
It is the role of the International Affairs (IA) Office to assist you with questions about your immigration status, and to make sure that you remain in compliance with your status requirements. It's your responsibility to make sure any requests are submitted directly to IA, by you. This means that you need to take care of things in a timely manner, and not wait until the last minute. Please respect deadlines that IA, your academic advisor, or other UCCS offices may give to you to manage your situation. In addition, please carefully read and understand any communication (emails, newsletters, etc.) that you receive from IA.
Sponsored students at UCCS need to request their official transcripts sent to their sponsoring agency each semester. Transcripts can be ordered at the UCCS Registrar's Office, or online. See transcript information here.
- Undergraduate sponsored students: undergraduate students will need to connect with their academic advisor to request documents such as these, that will be issued as requested. Please request these documents early enough to give your academic advisor plenty of time to complete your requested document. As mentioned above, with any request, please be sure your academic advisor has your UCCS student ID number to process your request efficiently. See Academic Advising here.
- Graduate-level (Masters and Doctoral) sponsored students: graduate students will request these items directly from their faculty advisor.